Darvel Bay - Seismic active zone in Sabah, Malaysia
Post date: Feb 21, 2016 9:42:46 AM
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A Weak Earthquake has occurred at 10:36am 16/02/16,4.9N 118.5E with magnitude 3.3 and depth 14km,Off Coast of Lahad Datu. 25km Southeast of Lahad Datu.Tremors felt in Lahad Datu, Sabah.No Tsunami Threat.
Have you ever wonder what causes frequent seismic event at this (Darvel Bay) area?
There more than 20 seismic events recorded surrounding this bay were due to active movements of fault lines. The active thrust fault line up to Zamboanga (and multiple less active lines) and active normal fault lines coming from the Crocker and Trusmadi Formation. Strongest recorded seismic event at this area unleashed 5.7 Richter Scale back in 2nd November 1994 which is parallel to (an inactive fault line and very close to the intersection through interpolation of thrust fault from the Philliphine and normal local active fault line).