Project Management - Empirical approach
Post date: Feb 25, 2018 7:15:44 AM
1. Project management in construction industry should not be treated as an empirical science. There is no one formula that fits all and there is no approach that fits all.
2. As much as we have good statistical approach or engage a great actuarial method, all things will fail. The only way to ensure success is daily control and monitoring; and common sense. No software automation can help you with the progress or catching up.
3. All sort of simulations (monte carlo, pearson, spearman and etc) tabulated with risk plus duration does not necessary able to produce or replicate the anticipated result even though it was analysed up to 1,000 iterations.
4. Software are good but human brain is the essential in project management. At times, results or even tell-tale signs is important to make daily or weekly judgment. This can only be manually worked out by extractions and micro re-modelling of the work program.
5. Passion and dedication will ensure effective result and may not be the desired result. To say the least, most project managers in Malaysia are functioning as procurement managers and less likely running the basic manager functions (Planning, Leading - commanding and coordinating, Organizing and Control) as suggested by Henri Fayol back in 1916. 100 years later, we are still no way close to perfection in construction industry.
6. It is a shame, the construction industry is moving backward because some promotes wrong approaches in tackling the most fundamental issues and the inability for firms to register the appropriate job functions and scopes for the so-called project managers. In reality, here in Malaysia, the RM12,000-rated project manager is someone who have to be superman juggling with pellets of brick with a kryptonite stuck in the belly button doing the Houdini illusion.